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Used Agilent (Keysight / HP) 8714C 300 kHz to 3 GHz VSA Vector Network Analyzer


The Agilent 8714C Vector Network Analyzer features an S-parameter test set with full two-port vector-error correction, providing complete and accurate measurements of device S-parameters. Two independent channels can measure and display two parameters such as S21 (transmission) and S11 (reflection) in a variety of formats including delay and SWR, on retangular, polar or Smith-chart displays.…

5 in stock

SKU: XRF0100


The Agilent 8714C Vector Network Analyzer features an S-parameter test set with full two-port vector-error correction, providing complete and accurate measurements of device S-parameters. Two independent channels can measure and display two parameters such as S21 (transmission) and S11 (reflection) in a variety of formats including delay and SWR, on retangular, polar or Smith-chart displays. The Agilent 8714C has a frequency range of 300 kHz to 3 GHz.

The 8714C contains a 60-dB source attenuator (optional).

Features :

  • Integrated transmission/reflection test set with narrowband and broadband detection
  • “Real time” sweep speed (50 ms/sweep), synthesized 1 Hz resolution source, and 100 dB of system dynamic range
  • Inteal 3.5-inch disk drive (LIF/DOS formats) and VGA interface
  • Inteal Keysight Instrument BASIC (IBASIC) capability
  • TCP/IP-compliant Ethertwist LAN interface option
  • AM delay and fault location/SRL options


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